Monday, February 23, 2015

Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro rotate script for linux

TouchscreenDevice='ATML1000:00 03EB:8A10'
TouchpadDevice='SYNA2B22:00 06CB:2714'

These are the settings for my lenovo yoga 3 pro. If this is not working for you, find your Touchscreen and Touchpad device with xinput.

See also my gist at:
With credits to Ruben Barkow:

# This script rotates the screen and touchscreen input 90 degrees each time it is called, 
# also disables the touchpad, and enables the virtual keyboard accordingly

# by Ruben Barkow:

#### configuration
# find your Touchscreen and Touchpad device with `xinput`
TouchscreenDevice='ATML1000:00 03EB:8A10'
TouchpadDevice='SYNA2B22:00 06CB:2714'

if [ "$1" = "--help"  ] || [ "$1" = "-h"  ] ; then
echo 'Usage: [OPTION]'
echo 'This script rotates the screen and touchscreen input 90 degrees each time it is called,' 
echo 'also disables the touchpad, and enables the virtual keyboard accordingly'
echo Usage:
echo ' -h --help display this help'
echo ' -j (just horizontal) rotates the screen and touchscreen input only 180 degrees'
echo ' -n always rotates the screen back to normal'
exit 0

touchpadEnabled=$(xinput --list-props "$TouchpadDevice" | awk '/Device Enabled/{print $NF}')
screenMatrix=$(xinput --list-props "$TouchscreenDevice" | awk '/Coordinate Transformation Matrix/{print $5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12$NF}')

# Matrix for rotation
# ⎡ 1 0 0 ⎤
# ⎜ 0 1 0 ⎥
# ⎣ 0 0 1 ⎦
normal='1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1'

#⎡ -1  0 1 ⎤
#⎜  0 -1 1 ⎥
#⎣  0  0 1 ⎦
inverted='-1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1'

# 90° to the left 
# ⎡ 0 -1 1 ⎤
# ⎜ 1  0 0 ⎥
# ⎣ 0  0 1 ⎦
left='0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1'

# 90° to the right
#⎡  0 1 0 ⎤
#⎜ -1 0 1 ⎥
#⎣  0 0 1 ⎦
right='0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1'

if [ $screenMatrix == $normal_float ] && [ "$1" != "-n" ]
  echo "Upside down"
  xrandr -o inverted
  xinput set-prop "$TouchscreenDevice" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' $inverted
  xinput disable "$TouchpadDevice"
  # Remove hashtag below if you want pop-up the virtual keyboard  
  #onboard &
elif [ $screenMatrix == $inverted_float ] && [ "$1" != "-j" ] && [ "$1" != "-n" ]
  echo "90° to the left"
  xrandr -o left
  xinput set-prop "$TouchscreenDevice" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' $left
  xinput disable "$TouchpadDevice"
  #killall onboard
elif [ $screenMatrix == $left_float ] && [ "$1" != "-j" ] && [ "$1" != "-n" ]
  echo "90° to the right"
  xrandr -o right
  xinput set-prop "$TouchscreenDevice" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' $right
  xinput disable "$TouchpadDevice"
  #killall onboard
  echo "Back to normal"
  xrandr -o normal
  xinput set-prop "$TouchscreenDevice" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' $normal
  xinput enable "$TouchpadDevice"
  #killall onboard